Hey, I love to learn new tech things everyday!

Santiago Garcia Arango

DevSecOps | AWS Community Builder | Serverless

Profile Image - Santiago Garcia Arango

Who Am I?

As a curious DevOps Engineer, I‘m passionate about creating cutting-edge software using event-driven architectures. I‘m currently immersed in production-grade AWS workflows, leveraging DevSecOps best practices to drive innovation.

Likewise, I‘m passionate about sharing my knowledge in fun ways and learning the art of "how everything actually works", driven by a vision of a better future thanks to technology. I‘m eager to be part of the ongoing transformation of technology and its interesting impact on our daily lives.

Discover my starting YouTube channel for exciting Spanish content: "Santiago Garcia Arango Tech" where I upload cool videos about DevOps and AWS.

Explore my latest posts!

Technical Tools

LanguagesPython, JavaScript, TypeScript, Bash, HTML, CSS, GoLang, Java, SQL, GraphQL, MATLAB, Arduino.
MethodologiesCI/CD, Infrastructure as Code, DevSecOps, Event Driven Architectures, TDD, SOLID, Design Patterns, Automation, Clean Code, Static Code Analysis, Pair Programming, Scrum,.
TechnicalGit, AWS (see details below), Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux Distributions, GitLab CI, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, SonarQube, SQL, No-SQL, IBM WAS, IBM MQ, Packer, OWASP, MetaSploit, Wireshark, Netcat, IoT, LaTex.
AWS Experience[AWS Certified x4], IAM, CloudFormation, CDK, Organizations, Lambda, Lambda Layer, EventBridge, API Gateway, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, S3, CloudFront, Step Functions, SQS, SNS, SES, Route53, ACM, AMI, EC2, EBS, EFS, ASG, VPC, Transit Gateway, IPAM, Athena, Glue, SSM, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, IAM Identity Center (SSO), Control Tower, Kinesis, Chime.

Education & Experience

2023-presentLead Systems Engineer (DevOps) @ EPAM Systems
2022-2023Senior Systems Engineer (DevOps) @ EPAM Systems
2022-2024M.S. Cybersecurity @ IMF Smart Education
2021Software Engineering Specialist (DevOps) @ Bancolombia
2021DevOps Engineer @ PRAGMA
2017-2021B.S. Mechatronics Engineering @ EIA University

Communities & Volunteering

AWS User Group MedellinCo-Organizer for the official AWS events and workshops in Medellin @ Meetup AWS Medellin
CloudCraftersCore Team Member for a community of Cloud and DevOps enthusiasts @ CloudCrafters Community

Find Out More

“Discipline will sooner or later defeat intelligence” ― Japanese Proverb
Copyright 2024 Santiago Garcia Arango