
Cool Projects 2017-present

Discover these 29 exciting projects, each personally crafted by me for both personal experimentation and to assist friends with challenging endeavors.


DescriptionProject that covers a series of relevant Docker Images with step-by-step details for their creation and with Docker-Compose functionalities enabled.
TechnologiesDocker, Docker-Compose, DevOps, Jenkins, NodeJs, Flask, MySQL, MongoDB, ELK, IBM, GoLang, IBM, Ubuntu, Prometheus.
Source Codehttps://github.com/san99tiago/docker-pirate

AWS ECS Custom Built API

DescriptionContainer-based AWS solution on top of FastAPI. DNS managed with Route 53 for a multi-account setup.
TechnologiesAWS, ECS, ECR, Route53, ACM, FastAPI, Docker, CDK, DevOps.

AWS Transactional Messages App

DescriptionServerless AWS architecture to simulate the processing of transactional 'messages' with Observability in place.
TechnologiesAWS, API Gateway, SQS, SQS-DLQ, Lambda, LambdaPowerTools, X-Ray, SNS, CDK, DevOps.

Terraform Playground

DescriptionFun infrastructure solutions and PoCs to explore Terraform concepts and deployments in AWS.
TechnologiesAWS, Terraform, IaC, DevOps.

AWS Lambda-Based FastAPI Deployment

DescriptionCDK template project with best FastAPI/Mangum practices for a FastAPI solution on top of Lambda Functions in AWS.
TechnologiesAWS, Lambda, FastAPI, CDK, DevOps.

AWS Medical Providers Automation

DescriptionAutomation that weekly downloads and updates medical records for different datasets.
TechnologiesAWS, Lambda, EventBridge, SES, S3, CDK, DevOps.

AWS REST-API for Sales 'Leads'

DescriptionCustom-built business REST-API on top of AWS API Gateway (with Lambdas integration) that connected to MySQL database for commercial 'leads' information.
TechnologiesAWS, API-Gateway, Lambda, MySQL, CDK, REST-API.

AWS CDK Lambda Docker Templates

DescriptionMy own CDK template (simple pattern) for deploying AWS Lambda Functions on top of Docker images. It covers Python and NodeJs images.
TechnologiesAWS, CDK, Lambda, Docker, Python, NodeJs.

Python Clean Tests Examples and Templates

DescriptionUseful Python examples for Clean Code and Unit Testing on top of UnitTest Framework and PyTest.
TechnologiesPython, Tests, Unittest, PyTest, Mocks, Object-Oriented-Programming.

AWS Lambda Web Scrapper for Supplier Datasets

DescriptionCustom-built solution for web scrapping different supplier datasets that runs on AWS-Lambda with Docker images and Selenium.
TechnologiesAWS, Lambda, Selenium, Docker, ECR, Python, SES, EventBridge, S3.

AWS REST-API for URL Shortening

DescriptionFun AWS CDK solution with an API Gateway and DynamoDB that is designed for URL shortening redirects.
TechnologiesAWS, API-Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Python, REST-API, CDK.

My Own CloudFormation Example Templates

DescriptionSimple AWS CF templates to review previously deployed PoCs. Mostly for sandbox environments.
TechnologiesAWS, CloudFormation, IaC.

REST-API for Australian Climate Sensors

DescriptionAPI developed on top of NodeJS+Express, and used MongoDB (Atlas) for backend. Solution with Docker containers.
TechnologiesMongoDB, REST-API, Auth, JWT, NodeJS, Express, Docker, Docker-Compose.

AWS Lambda for Downloading HR Files

DescriptionAutomation on AWS Lambda for downloading Human Resources files to S3 bucket based on rules (if already downloaded or not).
TechnologiesAWS, Lambda, EventBridge, SES, S3.

AWS CDK Athena-Glue S3 Workflow

DescriptionSimple CDK-TypeScript project for a Athena/Glue workflow for simple ETL solution on top of S3.
TechnologiesAWS, Athena, Glue, DataCatalog, S3, CDK, TypeScript.

AWS CDK Hello World

DescriptionSimple CDK project with best practices for a 'Hello World' Lambda Function.
TechnologiesAWS, CDK, Lambda, Lambda-Url.

Python GUI Desktop Applications and Games

DescriptionSome of my cool Python GUI projects on top of Tkinter and PyQT.
TechnologiesPython, GUI, UI, Desktop-App, Tkinter, PyQT.

Low Level Machine Learning Experiments

DescriptionMultiple challenging Machine Learning problems and solutions on top of Python and MatLab.
TechnologiesPython, Matlab, Machine-Learning, Neural-Networks.

Low Level Robotics Experiments

DescriptionMultiple challenging Robotics problems and solutions on top of Python and MatLab.
TechnologiesPython, Matlab, Robotics, Control-Systems.

Low Level Computer Vision Experiments

DescriptionMultiple challenging Computer Vision problems and solutions on top of OpenCV (Python).
TechnologiesPython, Computer-Vision, OpenCV, PIL, Matplotlib, Darknet.

Low Level Internet of Things Experiments

DescriptionMultiple challenging Internet of Things problems and solutions on top of JavaScript, Python and Arduino.
TechnologiesInternet-of-Things, NodeJs, Express, Arduino, Python, JavaScript.

Hackathon Multi-Purpose Projects

DescriptionSome projects of my previous Hackathons.
TechnologiesHackathon, Multiple.

Projects for learning GoLang

DescriptionThese are my awesome experiments and PoCs for learning Go (GoLang).

Projects for learning Java

DescriptionThese are my awesome experiments and PoCs for learning Java.
TechnologiesJava, Spring, SpringBoot, JDBC, Object-Oriented-Programming.

Projects for learning JavaScript

DescriptionThese are my awesome experiments and PoCs for learning JavaScript.
TechnologiesJavaScript, NodeJs, HTML, CSS, Object-Oriented-Programming

Python Problem Solving Code Practices

DescriptionThese are some of my own practice LeetCode (and similar) solutions for Coding challenges on Python.
TechnologiesPython, Coding-Challenges, Unittests, Object-Oriented-Programming.

Projects for learning Flask (Python)

DescriptionCool learning PoCs and experiments for mastering Python Flask Framework.
TechnologiesPython, Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Harvard CS50's Web Programming Course

DescriptionMultiple FullStack Projects inspired from the CS50 Web Programming course given at Harvard University.
TechnologiesHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python.

Desktop App for Architecture Business

DescriptionAutomation of Excel Sheets for small architecture firm. Project allowed automatic accounting and project organization.
TechnologiesPython, Tkinter, TTK, XlsxWritter, Object-Oriented-Programming.
“Discipline will sooner or later defeat intelligence” ― Japanese Proverb
Copyright 2024 Santiago Garcia Arango